Saturday, April 12, 2008

I finally did it!

To My Girlfriends Brie, Jenny, Marissa & Sage you have been telling me for over a year to start a Blog this ones for you. In honor of my Sister Kim and her soon to arrive baby boy, Aidan I wanted to get our story and new adventures out for you all to see. I will have much more to add to my blog soon, but for now this posting will be short.


Brigette said...

Great job Nick! I knew you would get it one day. I got a message from Kim when she was at your house yesterday, we were in Vegas at a competition. Watch my blog for the results. Anyway, when I get a moment today I will call you guys back, talk to you later. Love ya!

Terry said...

Hello Nick, your mom is here visiting and showed me the blog I am exciting to read more. Congrats on your new job. The kids enjoy emailing so maybe you can stay in touch with the family more up here. I wish i could see you and kimmy more often. We are all excited about the baby.Well keep us posted Love ya, The Terrys