Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting Back Into It!

I have fallen off the Blogging horse this past week. I started my new job this past Monday, and can I just tell you how much I love it! I guess it's true what they say "Good things come to those who wait". I live and work in Old Town Clovis which is so adorable. I am so happy that I live here.
I also have been quite a social butterfly these past few weeks with attending a wedding (which I helped set up for), a Tastefully Simple party, the Clovis Rodeo, and a Classic Car show. This is why I haven't posted much lately. I will admit though it made me think about the future and keeping a camera with me, so when such events come up I can share them with all of you.
Kim should be having the baby anyday now and if things stay as they are she will be induced Monday the 5th of May. I will post as many pictures as I can so that you all can see the progress of Kim and baby Aidan.
Love to you all.


Missie said...

I was beginning to wonder! I'd love to hear more about the job!!!!! Oh, and I want to see a pic of Kim all pregnant! if she shows hers, I'll show mine!!!!

Brigette said...

I am so glad you are happy with your job. It is also good to hear you are keeping busy. A rodeo?